Monday, March 16, 2015

Boozy Shakes

I have a confession: I love McDonald's Shamrock Shakes.
They are my weakness!  

So, when I saw these shakes I knew 
I had plans for St. Patrick's Day... yum.

I love this post from the blog how sweet it is 
These Lucky Charm boozy shakes are just up my alley!

1 1/2 Cups of Lucky Charm Marshmallows
2 Cups of Milk
4 Cups of Vanilla Ice Cream (or mint!)
1/3 Cup Marshmallow Vodka
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
Extra cereal for topping

-Add marshmallows to a food processor and blend until powdery
-Add milk to a large bowl and pour in the blended marshmallows
-Stir to combine, then let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes
-Add ice cream, marshmallow milk, vodka, and vanilla extract
-Blend then enjoy!

**directions slightly changed from the original post that you can find here

So yummy.

Do you have any St. Patricks traditions? 

{photos by how sweet it is}


Jessica said...

Oh my, these look amazing!

AshleyL. said...

Jess - boozy shake night soon? Or another girly cocktail... or just simply a girls night :)