Monday, March 9, 2015

To Work It

When I returned from Italy back in October I felt like I had eaten the 
entire country's worth of pasta and wine.  Then came 
Thanksgiving (x2 families), Christmas (x2 again), and various celebrations.  

Lets just say when January hit my body was NOT at it's finest or healthiest.  
It was time to get kick it back into shape.  Below are the items and things 
that inspired me and now have me a little more toned and feeling great!

1. Workouts
I made it a goal to work out at least three times a week.  Right now 
I'm averaging four! It feels amazing to set a goal that I can reach... and exceed!  
I try to run twice a week and attend both a boot camp class on Tuesdays and a 
CORE workout on Thursday.  I'm loving my weekly routine, but some nights 
I need to be home sooner and can't attend my classes. When that happens I 
turn to Fitness Blender online workouts.  They kick my butt and you will 
definitely feel it the next day!  Click here for their free online workouts.

The other tool I swear by is My Fitness Pal. This free app helps me 
track both my workouts and my diet.  Rather than just tracking calories 
it tells me what nutrients I need more or less of in my diet to make it 
balanced overall.  I'm a little addicted to say the least.

2. Shoes
I just switched shoes and now instead of running 2 miles I'm already up to 4!  
Changing up your shoes and wearing things that inspire you is so important!  
My new shoes are hot pink (these).  I love them.  I am also a huge fan of 
Zella workout pants and Lululemon zip shirt for those cool morning runs.

3. Diet
As mentioned in posts before (here, here, here) I'm doing a lot more 
meal planning while my husband goes through fire academy.  He loses up to 
10,000 calories a day so I've tried to find creative foods that sustain him 
and don't kill my get-in-shape vibe.  Some of our favorite recipes are here, here
here, here, and here.  I am also LOVING drinking
a lukewarm glass of lemon water each morning.  It helps me stay feeling
full, bloat less, and gives me a little push of vitamin C.

Do you have any tricks for staying healthy during a busy time?  
I'd love to hear!


Jessica said...

Love this post! It feels so good to finally get into a workout / health rhythm. And I love lemon water too!

Gina said...

Jeremiah and I take the stairs instead of using the elevator, and I love doing the 7-minute workout in the mornings. Since it's only 7 minutes, it's impossible for me to make excuses.

AshleyL. said...

Jessica: I love a good rhythm!

Gina: Love that! And I should totally add the 7minute workout each morning!